Lululemon moving forward with new Vancouver headquarters office | Urbanized

2022-07-29 21:48:00 By : Ms. Sophia Zhu

For the first time in more than two years, Lululemon has signalled it is moving ahead on its plan to build a new purpose-built headquarters office building in Vancouver’s False Creek Flats.

A development permit application for the project was filed by the project’s local architectural firm on May 5, 2022.

On July 20, 2022, Vancouver City Council approved the “Approval of Form of Development” of the project, based on the submitted development permit application, which will be reviewed and decided by City staff — likely before the end of the year.

The project’s rezoning application was approved by City Council in January 2020.

This will be a 214-ft-tall, 13-storey building on a 2.8-acre site at 1980 Foley Street (on Great Northern Way) — within close walking distance to SkyTrain’s VCC-Clark Station and the future Great Northern Way-Emily Carr Station.

Submitted schematics in the development permit application show the design is aligned with what was approved by City Council in 2020.

May 2022 artistic rendering of the new Lululemon headquarters office at 1980 Foley Street, Vancouver. (Morphosis Architects/Francl Architecture/Lululemon)

May 2022 schematic of the new Lululemon headquarters at 1980 Foley Street, Vancouver. (Morphosis Architects/Francl Architecture/Lululemon)

May 2022 schematic of the new Lululemon headquarters at 1980 Foley Street, Vancouver. (Morphosis Architects/Francl Architecture/Lululemon)

There will be nearly 600,000 sq ft of total floor area, with the office space oriented around an internal atrium. A restaurant and Lululemon store are also planned for the ground level.

The building’s design is by internationally renowned firm Morphosis Architects, and the local architect of record is Francl Architecture.

At the time of the rezoning process, Lululemon indicated the new global headquarters, named the “Lululemon Store Support Centre,” will consolidate the company’s various office locations in Vancouver. The building will initially become a hub for 2,000 workers, with space to eventually grow to up to 4,000 by the early 2030s.

May 2022 artistic rendering of the new Lululemon headquarters office at 1980 Foley Street, Vancouver. (Morphosis Architects/Francl Architecture/Lululemon)

Site plan of the new lululemon headquarters office at 1980 Foley Street, Vancouver. (Morphosis Architects / Francl Architecture / Brook Pooni & Associates / lululemon)

Daily Hive Urbanized reached out to Lululemon for comment on its latest progress on the new headquarters, but it did not hear back in time for publication.

Earlier this year, Lululemon leased 120,000 sq ft of office space at the newly-built The Offices at Burrard Place at 1280 Burrard Street and renewed and expanded its presence just to the south to a total of 107,000 sq ft at the Anchor Point complex immediately to the south at 1380 Burrard Street. Lululemon has also maintained its major presence at the former Coca-Cola building at 1818 Cornwall Street in Kitsilano.

The location of 1980 Foley Street in relation to the False Creek Flats area in Vancouver. (City of Vancouver)

Site of 1980 Foley Street, Vancouver. (City of Vancouver)

Site of 1980 Foley Street, Vancouver. (Google Maps)

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